@extends('admin/layouts.master') @section('title', 'Create a new meeting') @section('body') @include('admin.message') Create a new meeting @csrf {{ __('adminstaticword.LinkByCourse') }}: {{ __('adminstaticword.Courses') }}:* @php $course = App\Course::where('status', '1')->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->get(); @endphp @foreach($course as $cor) {{$cor->title}} @endforeach Presenter name: * Meeting ID: * Meeting Name: * Meeting Detail: * {{ old('detail') }} Meeting Duration: * It will be count in minutes Meeting Start Time:* Moderator Password: Attandee Password: (Tip ! Share your attendee password to students using social handling networks.) Should be diffrent from Moderator password Set Welcome Message: Set Max Participants: Set Mute on Start: Allow Record: + Create Meeting @endsection @section('script') @endsection